Sustainable Landscape Irrigation with Reclaimed Water
Water conservation is an increasingly vital aspect of responsible environmental stewardship. In the United States, a significant portion of water usage is dedicated to landscape irrigation, offering ample opportunities for sustainable practices. Reclaimed water, a purified form of wastewater, has emerged as a key solution for eco-conscious landscape irrigation. Landscape Development, Inc (LDI) leads the way in installing reclaimed water irrigation systems, providing expert guidance and peace of mind to property owners seeking to make a positive ecological impact.
Understanding Reclaimed Water
Reclaimed water undergoes a rigorous multi-stage treatment process, ensuring compliance with stringent standards set by local, state, and federal agencies. This treated water is meticulously monitored to ensure continuous adherence to these standards. Unlike well water, reclaimed water is potable, making it suitable for various applications, with landscape irrigation being a prominent one.
The Environmental Impact
According to the EPA’s WaterSense Program, the average American family consumes approximately 320 gallons of water daily, with almost 30 percent used outdoors. Over half of this outdoor water is dedicated to lawn and garden irrigation, contributing significantly to residential water consumption. Nationwide, landscape irrigation accounts for nearly one-third of all residential water usage, amounting to nearly 9 billion gallons per day. Replacing fresh water with reclaimed water in these applications can substantially conserve freshwater reserves in the U.S.
Unique Challenges of Reclaimed Water
While reclaimed water’s nitrogen and phosphorus content make it ideal for irrigation due to its similarity to common fertilizers, it presents some unique challenges. As reclaimed water undergoes processing, its salinity levels increase, potentially harming soil, plants, and irrigation equipment. To mitigate these effects, it may be necessary to slightly adjust watering levels, depending on soil and plant types. Thoughtful plant selection and intelligent irrigation management can help minimize the impact of higher salt levels.
Moreover, reclaimed water treatment chemicals can peak earlier in the day when water systems are typically “shocked” to disinfect the reclaimed water line. These chemicals, along with any remaining microbes and solids, can expedite the deterioration of irrigation system components. Consequently, properties irrigating with reclaimed water must be vigilant in avoiding overspray, especially in high-traffic areas.
The Advantages of Reclaimed Water
Despite these challenges, the benefits of using reclaimed water for irrigation far outweigh the drawbacks. Reclaimed water not only conserves potable water but also ensures a reliable water supply for communities’ present and future needs.
Landscape Development, Inc: Your Partner in Reclaimed Water Irrigation
When it comes to installing reclaimed water irrigation systems, Landscape Development, Inc (LDI) is a trusted partner with a wealth of expertise. Here’s how LDI can offer you peace of mind:
Permit Assistance: LDI guides you through the process of obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, whether your property is new construction or an existing commercial establishment.
Expertise in Separation: LDI guarantees that all reclaimed water systems remain entirely separate from other water systems on your property, preventing any cross-connections between potable and reclaimed water supplies.
Inspection and Compliance: LDI coordinates backflow and plumbing inspections, ensuring your system aligns with all local ordinances and regulations.
Seamless Connection: Once your application is approved, LDI facilitates the installation of a special reclaimed water meter, enabling your reclaimed water service to commence smoothly.
Signage and Reporting: LDI assists you in complying with any signage requirements on your property and aids in ongoing reporting of your reclaimed water usage.
Purple Markings: LDI ensures that all pipes and irrigation equipment conveying reclaimed water are appropriately marked with purple, the universal sign of reclaimed water use, to prevent cross-connections with potable water supplies.
Landscape Development, Inc is dedicated to helping property owners harness the power of reclaimed water for sustainable landscape irrigation. With LDI’s expertise, you can contribute to water conservation efforts while ensuring a dependable water supply for your community’s future needs. Trust LDI to deliver peace of mind through reclaimed water irrigation systems that promote a greener tomorrow.